Friday, June 13, 2008


So I am in one of those moods where I need to set some goals and think about the future a little bit, so here we are. I will separate them by due time. (this is a work in progress)

By the end of Today

- Go out tonight and have fun
- Get laid
- Sleep

By the end of This Week

- get to the gym 2 more times
- talk to the girl i like at the gym (hottie!)
- stop drinking caffeine & quit for good
- clean my apartment
- have an awesome BBQ

By the end of This Month

- Finish reading the two new books I bought (one by Jim Webb, the other about Vikings or something)
- Loose another 5 lbs
- Begin to reorganize my room
- Begin pre-reading for Con law and Crim Pro in the fall
- decide what i want to do about the campaign
- get the apartment ready for my new roommate
- get to the beach

By the end of 2008

- Help elect Barack Obama president
- Bring my GPA up .25
- Get an A in con law
- Get to my goal weight by loosing 15 more pounds
- Get into physical shape where I would actually take off my shirt in front of people

By the end of 2009

- see the first African-American inaugurated President
- Run an average of 25 miles per week
- Run a half marathon (maybe philly)
- Get an awesome internship in DC that leads to an even awesomer job

By the end of 2010

- Graduate Law school
- Passed at least 1 bar exam (VA maybe)
- start working at the ACLU in D.C. (or another org. similar)
- Get an awesome (yet tiny) apartment in Georgetown

By 5 Years from now (2013)

- own a flying car (ha ha!)
- be successful in my legal career representing the poor and needy

By 10 Years from now (2018)

- Become a Constitutional Law professor
- Get either a Masters in Political Science or an LLM
- Visit Australia, New Zealand, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, and Ecuador
- Write my first book
- Pay off my law school debt

By 25 Years from now (2033)

- Either run for office or get appointed a judge (hopefully federal)
- Help save the world from evil conservative reactionaries that want to put us back to the 15th century
- Visit China, Japan, Russia, Europe (the good parts), the Congo, Mexico, Alaska and Canada.
- Write another book
- Spend time studying Bonobos
- really pay off my law school debt

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