Monday, December 8, 2008
A long december
SO as i said in my last post several months ago, long days consumed me for the last few months. But, you know, we WON!!! We took Indiana by about 28,000 votes on Nov 4th. Every single hour and every day paid off. I would have been happy had Obama simply won the White House, but to win my very first state was a huge bonus. Anyway, I hope to continue to post here while i can.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Its been a while
7 days a week
15-18 Hours a day
77 days left
that is what I have been up to since I got here
Its been pretty busy. It's been like pushing a giant boulder to the top of a hill, but once it i get it there, it should roll pretty quickly down...
BTW - A fire at a nuclear Power Plant in Cali? I call it the west wing prophesies now!
15-18 Hours a day
77 days left
that is what I have been up to since I got here
Its been pretty busy. It's been like pushing a giant boulder to the top of a hill, but once it i get it there, it should roll pretty quickly down...
BTW - A fire at a nuclear Power Plant in Cali? I call it the west wing prophesies now!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Moving On....
So i am moving on to my next adventure. Tomorow I am leaving for another place. I am very excited. I think I have this leaving thing down, although I don't do the whole 'coming back' thing very well. Lets see how it works out. Right now, everything after 8pm November 4th is hiding in a thick, soupy fog. I guess what happens after all depends on how hard myself and a million others do in between.
I have a big challenge when I get there. My region has a slew of talented people and I have to excel at everything. That means 7 days a week 7am to whenever it takes. It's not like I haven't done it before, though. Anyway. 110 days left. See you on the other side.
I have a big challenge when I get there. My region has a slew of talented people and I have to excel at everything. That means 7 days a week 7am to whenever it takes. It's not like I haven't done it before, though. Anyway. 110 days left. See you on the other side.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Shock me shock me with that deviant behavior...
Nobody Saw this coming...
Four Western oil companies are in the final stages of negotiations this month on contracts that will return them to Iraq, 36 years after losing their oil concession to nationalization as Saddam Hussein rose to power.
Exxon Mobil, Shell, Total and BP — the original partners in the Iraq Petroleum Company — along with Chevron and a number of smaller oil companies, are in talks with Iraq’s Oil Ministry for no-bid contracts to service Iraq’s largest fields, according to ministry officials, oil company officials and an American diplomat. ...
The no-bid contracts are unusual for the industry, and the offers prevailed over others by more than 40 companies, including companies in Russia, China and India. The contracts, which would run for one to two years and are relatively small by industry standards, would nonetheless give the companies an advantage in bidding on future contracts in a country that many experts consider to be the best hope for a large-scale increase in oil production.
There was suspicion among many in the Arab world and among parts of the American public that the United States had gone to war in Iraq precisely to secure the oil wealth these contracts seek to extract. The Bush administration has said that the war was necessary to combat terrorism. It is not clear what role the United States played in awarding the contracts; there are still American advisers to Iraq’s Oil Ministry.
Read the whole thing here
Four Western oil companies are in the final stages of negotiations this month on contracts that will return them to Iraq, 36 years after losing their oil concession to nationalization as Saddam Hussein rose to power.
Exxon Mobil, Shell, Total and BP — the original partners in the Iraq Petroleum Company — along with Chevron and a number of smaller oil companies, are in talks with Iraq’s Oil Ministry for no-bid contracts to service Iraq’s largest fields, according to ministry officials, oil company officials and an American diplomat. ...
The no-bid contracts are unusual for the industry, and the offers prevailed over others by more than 40 companies, including companies in Russia, China and India. The contracts, which would run for one to two years and are relatively small by industry standards, would nonetheless give the companies an advantage in bidding on future contracts in a country that many experts consider to be the best hope for a large-scale increase in oil production.
There was suspicion among many in the Arab world and among parts of the American public that the United States had gone to war in Iraq precisely to secure the oil wealth these contracts seek to extract. The Bush administration has said that the war was necessary to combat terrorism. It is not clear what role the United States played in awarding the contracts; there are still American advisers to Iraq’s Oil Ministry.
Read the whole thing here
Monday, June 16, 2008
Lost Opportunity
So I found out yesterday that an old co-worker of mine died recently. I wasn't particularly close to this person, nor did I really like him a lot, but I feel a great sense of sadness that he died.
We argued a lot at work, over politics and history, but we both had a similar view that things could change. In his life he didn't have a lot of luck, as he put it. He grew up in a poor inner city, and learned from the words of wisdom of his grandfather, an old black man from the deep south. A lot of the sayings that he would make would be those old southern sayings.
When we first met he aspired to work in the job he had. His goal was to work in the printing industry, because that was all he had ever known. He was suspicious of education and educated people, because all the educated people he had ever known tried to screw him out of money, freedom or both. The educated were the government people who created the ghettos in which he lived. It was the educated who had initially allowed slavery in the Constitution, and that caused his people to be in the situation they find themselves today.
Throughout the year or so that we worked together we discussed many things, but the topic that most often sticks out in my head is Education. I made it my goal to convince him that education was the key, the silver bullet that can cure all worlds ills and destroy poverty. He had never seen it this way.
By the time I stopped working there, he was convinced that he was going to go back to school and get a degree in sociology or political science. Whether or not he said this for my benefit or not, I am not sure. He went from seeing his community as a bucket of crabs, where when one tries to get out, the rest pull em back in, to seeing opportunity for the future, and hope for a better tomorrow. He had hope that he could do better for himself. And for his son.
He had a 6 year old that was his life. As anyone that knows me, I don't like kids. However he stayed with his girlfriend of 15 years for his son. He understood what it was like growing up without a father, and knew that his son wouldn't have the same opportunities and learning experiences without a father, than with. He tried real hard to do good for his son.
Anyway, long story short, i find it sad that he is now gone and won't have the opportunity to go back to school, see his son graduate from high school, go to college or start his first day of work. It is sad that he will never know whether his son had done better than he had for himself. And while I will never be a parent, I would imagine that every mom and dads goal is for their child to do better than they had.
Happy Fathers day Al.
We argued a lot at work, over politics and history, but we both had a similar view that things could change. In his life he didn't have a lot of luck, as he put it. He grew up in a poor inner city, and learned from the words of wisdom of his grandfather, an old black man from the deep south. A lot of the sayings that he would make would be those old southern sayings.
When we first met he aspired to work in the job he had. His goal was to work in the printing industry, because that was all he had ever known. He was suspicious of education and educated people, because all the educated people he had ever known tried to screw him out of money, freedom or both. The educated were the government people who created the ghettos in which he lived. It was the educated who had initially allowed slavery in the Constitution, and that caused his people to be in the situation they find themselves today.
Throughout the year or so that we worked together we discussed many things, but the topic that most often sticks out in my head is Education. I made it my goal to convince him that education was the key, the silver bullet that can cure all worlds ills and destroy poverty. He had never seen it this way.
By the time I stopped working there, he was convinced that he was going to go back to school and get a degree in sociology or political science. Whether or not he said this for my benefit or not, I am not sure. He went from seeing his community as a bucket of crabs, where when one tries to get out, the rest pull em back in, to seeing opportunity for the future, and hope for a better tomorrow. He had hope that he could do better for himself. And for his son.
He had a 6 year old that was his life. As anyone that knows me, I don't like kids. However he stayed with his girlfriend of 15 years for his son. He understood what it was like growing up without a father, and knew that his son wouldn't have the same opportunities and learning experiences without a father, than with. He tried real hard to do good for his son.
Anyway, long story short, i find it sad that he is now gone and won't have the opportunity to go back to school, see his son graduate from high school, go to college or start his first day of work. It is sad that he will never know whether his son had done better than he had for himself. And while I will never be a parent, I would imagine that every mom and dads goal is for their child to do better than they had.
Happy Fathers day Al.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
I'm not an addict, it's cool, I feel alive...
So quitting caffeine while thunderstorms are present... bad idea. The double whammy headache has slapped me into submission. Oh well, next time...
Friday Night
yeah, so I didn't accomplish any of my goals last night. Hopefully today will be better.
Friday, June 13, 2008
So I am in one of those moods where I need to set some goals and think about the future a little bit, so here we are. I will separate them by due time. (this is a work in progress)
By the end of Today
- Go out tonight and have fun
- Get laid
- Sleep
By the end of This Week
- get to the gym 2 more times
- talk to the girl i like at the gym (hottie!)
- stop drinking caffeine & quit for good
- clean my apartment
- have an awesome BBQ
By the end of This Month
- Finish reading the two new books I bought (one by Jim Webb, the other about Vikings or something)
- Loose another 5 lbs
- Begin to reorganize my room
- Begin pre-reading for Con law and Crim Pro in the fall
- decide what i want to do about the campaign
- get the apartment ready for my new roommate
- get to the beach
By the end of 2008
- Help elect Barack Obama president
- Bring my GPA up .25
- Get an A in con law
- Get to my goal weight by loosing 15 more pounds
- Get into physical shape where I would actually take off my shirt in front of people
By the end of 2009
- see the first African-American inaugurated President
- Run an average of 25 miles per week
- Run a half marathon (maybe philly)
- Get an awesome internship in DC that leads to an even awesomer job
By the end of 2010
- Graduate Law school
- Passed at least 1 bar exam (VA maybe)
- start working at the ACLU in D.C. (or another org. similar)
- Get an awesome (yet tiny) apartment in Georgetown
By 5 Years from now (2013)
- own a flying car (ha ha!)
- be successful in my legal career representing the poor and needy
By 10 Years from now (2018)
- Become a Constitutional Law professor
- Get either a Masters in Political Science or an LLM
- Visit Australia, New Zealand, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, and Ecuador
- Write my first book
- Pay off my law school debt
By 25 Years from now (2033)
- Either run for office or get appointed a judge (hopefully federal)
- Help save the world from evil conservative reactionaries that want to put us back to the 15th century
- Visit China, Japan, Russia, Europe (the good parts), the Congo, Mexico, Alaska and Canada.
- Write another book
- Spend time studying Bonobos
- really pay off my law school debt
Monday, May 12, 2008
Dreams from West Virginia
Good Morning,
So today I write from Roanoke... West Virginia... (sorry to all my DC and VA readers, I am not in your area yet). R and I are staying at the Stonewall resort here, very nice place, where we have actually gone a few times over the last few years. For our second anniversary we came to WV and camped and white water rafted, and its sort of been a tradition since then. This weekend was nice, despite the rain. We actually didn't 'do' anything per se (you like the use of per se, don't you, even though there is no statute saying i had to do anything). We just relaxed, which is exactly what the Dr ordered after 9+ months of grueling labor at WLS.
On to D.C. today!!!!
So today I write from Roanoke... West Virginia... (sorry to all my DC and VA readers, I am not in your area yet). R and I are staying at the Stonewall resort here, very nice place, where we have actually gone a few times over the last few years. For our second anniversary we came to WV and camped and white water rafted, and its sort of been a tradition since then. This weekend was nice, despite the rain. We actually didn't 'do' anything per se (you like the use of per se, don't you, even though there is no statute saying i had to do anything). We just relaxed, which is exactly what the Dr ordered after 9+ months of grueling labor at WLS.
On to D.C. today!!!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Law School: Thing I did right & things I would change
Thing I did right in my first year of law school & things I would change if I could do it again.
Thing I did right
- I learned how to write the correct way
- I learned early to label everything I: R: A: C: in everything I do
- I spent time away from studying listening to advise from 2Ls & 3Ls that really helped
- I got to know alot of new friends. There is no point to experiencing anything in life without getting a taste for everything.
Things I would change
- I don't know if I would do the study group thing again (sorry guys, i think i work better on my own)
- I would actually brief all the cases for every class
- I would read law review articles and treatises to help understand stuff better
- I would spend more time in the library analyzing cases
- I would actually learn the case names (see civ pro final)
- I would pay more attention to the blue book
This list will be updated periodically over the next few days
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
K exam
So, yeah. Overall not easy by any stretch, but it wasn't the worst thing in the world. I never got to the point where I ran out of things to write about. Anyway, speaking of contracts, here is a funny video a friend sent to me a while back that I thought I would share...
Two Hours
The first exam starts in 2 hours... i think I am ready... but of course I really am not. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Born Alone, Die Alone
So we are all born, obviously
The ones who aren't are saved from this mess
We are all born alone, in a world full of people
We all walk through our lives alone, in this place
We will all die alone
You can't deny it
The last thing anyone will do is think that last thought
no one else can hear your despair
no one else know what you are going through
they can hold your hand
they can comfort you
but it is themselves that they are comforting, really
it is not for you... not for your benefit
We are born alone, and we die alone
in between we are alone...
The ones who aren't are saved from this mess
We are all born alone, in a world full of people
We all walk through our lives alone, in this place
We will all die alone
You can't deny it
The last thing anyone will do is think that last thought
no one else can hear your despair
no one else know what you are going through
they can hold your hand
they can comfort you
but it is themselves that they are comforting, really
it is not for you... not for your benefit
We are born alone, and we die alone
in between we are alone...
Monday, April 14, 2008
Choosing the future
So I have to choose classes today. This is the first time in law school that we get to determine when and who we have for class. I hope I choose wisely... my grades depend on it.
Friday, April 11, 2008
I love storms. Right now the rain is torrentially pouring down and lightning is striking all around. The thunder is drowning out my itunes, and i am sure the rain is flooding the ground all around. I guess its just me, but I love a good storm. It cleans everything, starts a new. I suppose that if I was a religious person (which I most certainly am not) I would like the Noah story. Sometimes I wish that I was the only person who survived a giant flood or something. I would be the last person on earth. I don't know how much different it would be from right now...
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
You don't know
You think I don't know...
but i know
the problem is...
you have no idea
You think I can't see
But I can see more with my eyes closed
I know what I see
I know what you see
You think that nothing ever lasts
well, here i am
I've lasted the whole time
You thought I didn't know
but I knew
like I know you
Monday, April 7, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Just Relax, and it will be Good.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
It is that time again. I have a headache. No, not that time, finals time. Not ready. I don't know if I will be. Worried. But i don't stress out too much
Thursday, April 3, 2008
How can we... be... so shallow
to think that this time, we can change the world
How can we... be... so indifferent
to hear people cry, but pretend not to know why
How can we... be... so passified
we don't care, if we don't go anywhere
How can we... be... so petrified
this wave is coming, we're gona get knocked down
Lets fight till the end
give up everything, everything
Lets tie up the loose ends
ill show you everything, everything
Lets go down this road
we don't know where it goes
we don't know, we don't care, i don't care anymore....
to think that this time, we can change the world
How can we... be... so indifferent
to hear people cry, but pretend not to know why
How can we... be... so passified
we don't care, if we don't go anywhere
How can we... be... so petrified
this wave is coming, we're gona get knocked down
Lets fight till the end
give up everything, everything
Lets tie up the loose ends
ill show you everything, everything
Lets go down this road
we don't know where it goes
we don't know, we don't care, i don't care anymore....
OMG so the internet went down in the library for an hour today, and i thought i was gona die. I think i have that Nomophobia (No Mobile Phobia) that people get when they are deathly afraid of not being connected.
How will I know if something happened in the campaign?
How will I know if I got a new email?
What if something big happens in the news?
What will I do if I can't get on the internet?
How will I know if something happened in the campaign?
How will I know if I got a new email?
What if something big happens in the news?
What will I do if I can't get on the internet?
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
The Wild
I am watching Into the Wild, instead of studying. But its ok, not a big deal. This movie, in a small way reminds me of myself. Although I find it difficult to think that i could ever just drop everything and hitchhike around the country. But in theory it sounds like a good idea. The freedom that one gains by giving up everything can be quite amazing.
Actually... that makes me think. Most of my favorite movies are about people who give up everything to figure themselves out. Once you strip away all the crap that people collect, and the commercial things people think they need, you are only left with yourself, and that is scary for most people. We just fill the void in ourselves with things, like clothing, devices, cars, expensive houses, etc...
It is very tempting to go into the wild and never come back. Very tempting.
Actually... that makes me think. Most of my favorite movies are about people who give up everything to figure themselves out. Once you strip away all the crap that people collect, and the commercial things people think they need, you are only left with yourself, and that is scary for most people. We just fill the void in ourselves with things, like clothing, devices, cars, expensive houses, etc...
It is very tempting to go into the wild and never come back. Very tempting.
The Fools Who Were Our Guides
The fools who were our guides,
pacified, by madness
The men who lead our lives
they all say we're going nowhere
Our youth, drowning out of sight
the future was bright, now its alright
Our past, not as good as we'd hoped
the times seemed good, but now they don't
The fools who were our guides
tranquilized, by gold
The women who make us cry
they all know we're nowhere
And we hope, that someday
we will find the path, make our way
and I know it's OK
the sun never sets on me
pacified, by madness
The men who lead our lives
they all say we're going nowhere
Our youth, drowning out of sight
the future was bright, now its alright
Our past, not as good as we'd hoped
the times seemed good, but now they don't
The fools who were our guides
tranquilized, by gold
The women who make us cry
they all know we're nowhere
And we hope, that someday
we will find the path, make our way
and I know it's OK
the sun never sets on me
Alone Again
For the first time, for a long time
I have felt very much alone
No one to share with no one who cares
The second I realized that...
by pushing i pulled too hard
I tried to stop, but it was too late
rallying against the quicksand only makes things worse
and now my feet are entrapped in mud
and now my heart is entrapped in stone
Maybe some day they will find my body, fossilized from millenia of neglect
They will wonder what happened to this poor creature
who was left for dead
Then I will break out of my tomb of loneliness
and fly away
For I am evolving
even when I am standing still
I can adjust
I can prevail
But now, for the last time
I consider my options
And I realize that in this universe, I am all alone
Monday, March 31, 2008
SO I got to meet Barack Obama last night. I waited out in line for over 6 hours and with a little help from a
friend, got the first seat in the first row in front of the stage. Barack spoke for about an hour, and my GF helped him out with a few words, which he credited her. Then at the end he came down and shook my hand, and it was great. So, yeah, it was a good day!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Gym & Mullets
I am not a fan of the gym. All these people showing off. It kinda remind
s me of the line in Fight Club, "Everyone is just waiting for their turn to speak." It seems as if everyone is showing off, and no one is looking.

Speaking of stupid... This show "Moment of Truth" is getting
worse every week. Tonight they had a guy with a mullet, a relatively hot girlfriend, and got him to admit that he keeps a spreadsheet of the over 100 girls he has slept with. A mullet. The guy has a mullet and has slept with over 100 girls. WHAT?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
So life is boring. Other people always think that I have an exciting life. I go strange places. I do exciting things. I have an internship that is stimulating.
Yeah, not so much. Those things are but punctuation at the end of very long sentences. I sometimes wonder if what I am doing was the right path. Should I have chosen peace corp or moving to a foreign country? Should I have gone into a profession that doesn't require hours of sitting in a library? Perhaps.
Yeah, not so much. Those things are but punctuation at the end of very long sentences. I sometimes wonder if what I am doing was the right path. Should I have chosen peace corp or moving to a foreign country? Should I have gone into a profession that doesn't require hours of sitting in a library? Perhaps.
I hate when people talk about their damm personal lives in class. I don't care if your sister owns a house near an abandoned golf course. I don't care if your family members steal stuff from you. I don't care if your priest is being charged with raqueteering. I don't care about your baby. I don't even care if you have a farm. Really. I don't care who is sleeping with whom. I don't care that you are from any particular state. I don't care that you grew up on the exact spot the classroom is on right now.
I am here to learn the damm law and get the fuck out. This isn't a group therapy session. If you want to hire a lawyer to help your sister and her golf house, I'm sure you can find one for less than $150k. Get over it
Wow, that felt good..............
I am here to learn the damm law and get the fuck out. This isn't a group therapy session. If you want to hire a lawyer to help your sister and her golf house, I'm sure you can find one for less than $150k. Get over it
Wow, that felt good..............
We no longer see the sky
figuring its just the night
the eclipse hides the fear in our eyes
contrasting the past delight
We can, never, go back
but how do we move on
We no longer see heaven
it must just be the sun
the shine blinds our fears
our lives have just begun
figuring its just the night
the eclipse hides the fear in our eyes
contrasting the past delight
We can, never, go back
but how do we move on
We no longer see heaven
it must just be the sun
the shine blinds our fears
our lives have just begun
Monday, March 24, 2008
So i didn't get the internship I wanted. I was just too late. Oh well. Even though I had really wanted it, I also see this as an opportunity to continue my current internship, which is the type of law that I really want to practice. The pull of the prestige of working for a judge was strong, but the desire to do what is right is stronger. I guess that kinda makes me like Luke Skywalker. I will use the force
law school,
star wars,
the force
Sunday, March 23, 2008
About Me
I was inspired by a friend to expose myself (a bit). I think its more therapy for myself than anything else. I wont disclose who I am, although anyone reading this will already know...
1. My last name is a biblical name, a relative of moses. I am an Atheist. I have been since I was 13.
2. I am a very solitary person. However, when I meet a new person I like to find out everything there is to know about them.
4. I like things (tv, books, movies) in which I can picture myself as one of the characters. If I can't personally relate, I probably don't like it.
5. My favorite show is The West Wing. I sometimes envision myself as Josh, but mostly as the President.
6. My favorite book is the "Time Traveler's Wife". I live and die every time I read it. Henry's life with Clare is amazing. I also wish I could time travel.
7. I am very political. I tend to vote Democratic, however there aren't any Democrats that are as socially liberal as I think they should be. If there was an Uber-Democratic party I would vote for them.
8. I love law school. Yes. I said it. I think that probably makes my a masochist. However, I have chosen to be here, and I hate when people complain about how hard it is, and how they hate it. So drop out! Get over it! Nobody is forcing you to be here. Its only 3 years of your life.
9. I miss the worst year of my life. When I was 23 I lived in a shitty apartment and a somewhat-crappy area of DC, with bugs and loud neighbors. However, I miss walking everywhere, riding the metro, listening to my mp3 player, reading on the train, walking home at 11pm from school listening to Dashboard, thinking how sad my life was. I miss that SO much.
10. I miss the best year of my life. When I was 22 I met R. She is by far the best thing that ever happened to me. Smart, Sexy, Fiery and bold. That first year was amazing. We experienced things together for the first time. We went places, like NY, Philly and DC and it was amazing. We had sex. Alot. We had a ton of fun. We were totally in love.
11. I fucked up #10 real bad. It will never be the same.
12. I run. I don't particularly enjoy it, but it is something I am proud of. I finished the Marine Corps Marathon a few years ago. Every time I wanted to stop, I thought to myself. I am doing this for people who can't get out of bed and walk, let alone run 26.2 miles. I raised thousands of dollars for people with AIDS/HIV.
13. I play the guitar. I never got as good as I had wanted. I was decent, but I faked it more than i made it. I miss playing in my old band.
14. I have always wanted to have a Harley.
15. I want to save the world. Whether it is as a leader (president, governor) or 1 person at a time as a lawyer. I vow to dedicate myself to helping people who have trouble helping themselves.
16. My eye sight is horrible.
17. I like to be the person that others come to for advice and knowledge. I don't like going to others for the same.
18. I like the idea of vacations. I don't always enjoy them, however.
19. I hate going to the gym. But I do it anyway.
20. I buy a new Dr. Grip pen for my first exam each year. I don't care if I have one, I need a new one in order to write an exam.
21. I am a Barack Obama supporter. If he doesn't get the nomination I WILL NOT vote for Hillary of John McCain. How can you choose between McDonalds and Burger King when you had Filet Mingon last night.
22. I feel like I don't have any friends.
23. I always thought I had a bad childhood. It turns out that it really wasn't as bad as I thought it was at the time.
24. I hated going to private schook K-4th grade. Even at that oung age I knew that it was too elitist and white, and that I needed more diversity. I went to public school starting in 5th grade.
25. I hated public school. I got picked on for being the new kid. I was geeky and had funny glasses. I liked to read books. I liked the Giants in Eagles country. It was awful. I had not friends. I wouldn't trade that experience for the world.
26. I had my first kiss at 14.
27. I lost my virginity at 14. I still can't find it.
28. Fight Club changed my life. At the time I first saw the movie, I had dropped out of college, and was very depressed. The part was where they pull the convenience store clerk and ask him if he would rather be dead than go back to school. I decided to go back to school.
29. I feel that if people knew the real me they would be scared.
30. I used to want to be a high school history teacher, a psychologist, a forensic criminologist, an FBI agent, a Biological anthropologist, a primateologist, get a PhD is History, and go to grad school in Government. That was all since I started college, and all before I decided to go to law school.
31. If I wasn't in law school, I would probably be pursuing a PhD in Biological Anthropology.
32. I am sad often, thinking that the best is behind me. See #10.
33. I fear that I am going to die young, from disease like cancer or AIDS.
24. I feel lonely when i am home alone
25. I love to hate TV, but really i like watching tv sometimes.
26. I associate music with events that happened around the same time.
Wallflowers One Headlight was my favorite song the day I got my drivers license.
Toad the Wet Sprocket's Fall Down reminds me of a girl i liked in 7th grade.
Smashing Pumpkins 1979 reminds me of driving around in the summer with my windows open.
27. I like Yuengling beer
28. I don't like kids. I don't want kids. I don't think that your kid is cure. Yeah, its true, get over it.
29. I don't have a 'type' when it comes to girls. I have features that I like, like nice lips, intelligent, and fun, but other than that I don't really have preferences.
30. I like some kinds of pain. I enjoyed getting my nipples pierced.
31. I read Postsecret religiously every sunday morning.
32. I've always wanted to write a book. I've never gotten past the second chapter on any of them.
33. I realized that I was done playing in bands one night unloading my half-stack at 3 am in a foot of snow.
34. I went skydiving. It was a big thrill, but not big enough.
35. I want to rock climb more often.
36. I've been to several nude beaches. I like nude beaches.
37. I was disapointed that when I went to the Galapagos I didn't see a whale shark.
38. I have been a manager at both big chain bookstores, and I hate both of them.
39. I can snap with my middle finger, ring finger and pinkey
40. I cheated on my first girlfriend, with my 2nd girlfriend. After I broke up with #1, she went through several years of a crappy life, doinig drugs, going out with seedy guys and stuff. I've always wondered if it might have been partly my fault.
41. My first concert was Green Day in 1994. My favorite concert was Pearl Jam in Camden in 2000, b/c I was in the 2nd row.
42. I don't relate to most white people. I feel like a minority that looks like a majority.
43. I cry everytime I watch the Obama video.
44. I was a Nader supporter until I was driving to the polls. I voted for Gore.
45. I love science, but I am horrible at it.
46. I haven't been able to give blood since 2000 because I have Lymes disease.
47. I HATE reality tv
48. Alot of my friends are asses
49. I have a fear of being alone. Although I love my 'me' time.
50. I worry about living up to my potential. If I live up to it, then what will I do afterwards. It's only downhill.
1. My last name is a biblical name, a relative of moses. I am an Atheist. I have been since I was 13.
2. I am a very solitary person. However, when I meet a new person I like to find out everything there is to know about them.
4. I like things (tv, books, movies) in which I can picture myself as one of the characters. If I can't personally relate, I probably don't like it.
5. My favorite show is The West Wing. I sometimes envision myself as Josh, but mostly as the President.
6. My favorite book is the "Time Traveler's Wife". I live and die every time I read it. Henry's life with Clare is amazing. I also wish I could time travel.
7. I am very political. I tend to vote Democratic, however there aren't any Democrats that are as socially liberal as I think they should be. If there was an Uber-Democratic party I would vote for them.
8. I love law school. Yes. I said it. I think that probably makes my a masochist. However, I have chosen to be here, and I hate when people complain about how hard it is, and how they hate it. So drop out! Get over it! Nobody is forcing you to be here. Its only 3 years of your life.
9. I miss the worst year of my life. When I was 23 I lived in a shitty apartment and a somewhat-crappy area of DC, with bugs and loud neighbors. However, I miss walking everywhere, riding the metro, listening to my mp3 player, reading on the train, walking home at 11pm from school listening to Dashboard, thinking how sad my life was. I miss that SO much.
10. I miss the best year of my life. When I was 22 I met R. She is by far the best thing that ever happened to me. Smart, Sexy, Fiery and bold. That first year was amazing. We experienced things together for the first time. We went places, like NY, Philly and DC and it was amazing. We had sex. Alot. We had a ton of fun. We were totally in love.
11. I fucked up #10 real bad. It will never be the same.
12. I run. I don't particularly enjoy it, but it is something I am proud of. I finished the Marine Corps Marathon a few years ago. Every time I wanted to stop, I thought to myself. I am doing this for people who can't get out of bed and walk, let alone run 26.2 miles. I raised thousands of dollars for people with AIDS/HIV.
13. I play the guitar. I never got as good as I had wanted. I was decent, but I faked it more than i made it. I miss playing in my old band.
14. I have always wanted to have a Harley.
15. I want to save the world. Whether it is as a leader (president, governor) or 1 person at a time as a lawyer. I vow to dedicate myself to helping people who have trouble helping themselves.
16. My eye sight is horrible.
17. I like to be the person that others come to for advice and knowledge. I don't like going to others for the same.
18. I like the idea of vacations. I don't always enjoy them, however.
19. I hate going to the gym. But I do it anyway.
20. I buy a new Dr. Grip pen for my first exam each year. I don't care if I have one, I need a new one in order to write an exam.
21. I am a Barack Obama supporter. If he doesn't get the nomination I WILL NOT vote for Hillary of John McCain. How can you choose between McDonalds and Burger King when you had Filet Mingon last night.
22. I feel like I don't have any friends.
23. I always thought I had a bad childhood. It turns out that it really wasn't as bad as I thought it was at the time.
24. I hated going to private schook K-4th grade. Even at that oung age I knew that it was too elitist and white, and that I needed more diversity. I went to public school starting in 5th grade.
25. I hated public school. I got picked on for being the new kid. I was geeky and had funny glasses. I liked to read books. I liked the Giants in Eagles country. It was awful. I had not friends. I wouldn't trade that experience for the world.
26. I had my first kiss at 14.
27. I lost my virginity at 14. I still can't find it.
28. Fight Club changed my life. At the time I first saw the movie, I had dropped out of college, and was very depressed. The part was where they pull the convenience store clerk and ask him if he would rather be dead than go back to school. I decided to go back to school.
29. I feel that if people knew the real me they would be scared.
30. I used to want to be a high school history teacher, a psychologist, a forensic criminologist, an FBI agent, a Biological anthropologist, a primateologist, get a PhD is History, and go to grad school in Government. That was all since I started college, and all before I decided to go to law school.
31. If I wasn't in law school, I would probably be pursuing a PhD in Biological Anthropology.
32. I am sad often, thinking that the best is behind me. See #10.
33. I fear that I am going to die young, from disease like cancer or AIDS.
24. I feel lonely when i am home alone
25. I love to hate TV, but really i like watching tv sometimes.
26. I associate music with events that happened around the same time.
Wallflowers One Headlight was my favorite song the day I got my drivers license.
Toad the Wet Sprocket's Fall Down reminds me of a girl i liked in 7th grade.
Smashing Pumpkins 1979 reminds me of driving around in the summer with my windows open.
27. I like Yuengling beer
28. I don't like kids. I don't want kids. I don't think that your kid is cure. Yeah, its true, get over it.
29. I don't have a 'type' when it comes to girls. I have features that I like, like nice lips, intelligent, and fun, but other than that I don't really have preferences.
30. I like some kinds of pain. I enjoyed getting my nipples pierced.
31. I read Postsecret religiously every sunday morning.
32. I've always wanted to write a book. I've never gotten past the second chapter on any of them.
33. I realized that I was done playing in bands one night unloading my half-stack at 3 am in a foot of snow.
34. I went skydiving. It was a big thrill, but not big enough.
35. I want to rock climb more often.
36. I've been to several nude beaches. I like nude beaches.
37. I was disapointed that when I went to the Galapagos I didn't see a whale shark.
38. I have been a manager at both big chain bookstores, and I hate both of them.
39. I can snap with my middle finger, ring finger and pinkey
40. I cheated on my first girlfriend, with my 2nd girlfriend. After I broke up with #1, she went through several years of a crappy life, doinig drugs, going out with seedy guys and stuff. I've always wondered if it might have been partly my fault.
41. My first concert was Green Day in 1994. My favorite concert was Pearl Jam in Camden in 2000, b/c I was in the 2nd row.
42. I don't relate to most white people. I feel like a minority that looks like a majority.
43. I cry everytime I watch the Obama video.
44. I was a Nader supporter until I was driving to the polls. I voted for Gore.
45. I love science, but I am horrible at it.
46. I haven't been able to give blood since 2000 because I have Lymes disease.
47. I HATE reality tv
48. Alot of my friends are asses
49. I have a fear of being alone. Although I love my 'me' time.
50. I worry about living up to my potential. If I live up to it, then what will I do afterwards. It's only downhill.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008

How can one describe a something as a "brief" when it is 25 pages long... That would be 'long' by most writing standards (unless of course you write books, which i don't). Again I have to represent the corporation, the side I would never represent in the real life practice of law... however I still need to write this damm thing...
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Obama / Santos
It is absolutely amazing how reality and fiction correspond with each other. A minority candidate running against an old white guy. Season 7 Episode 8 - Undecideds.... a speach bridging the races, going against what his own advisors say, Santos gives a GREAT speach in a black church on race. March 18 - Obama gives possibly the best speech in a generation on Race. A nation divided, we need a president to bring America together, not to drive us even further apart.
"We will walk together, work together, and slowly things will get better"
"Working together we can move beyond some of our old racial wounds, and that in fact we have no choice is we are to continue on the path of a more perfect union."
Can you figure out which is Obama and which is Santos....
Does it matter? If we can elect someone who is working towards bridging the racial divide, that is who this country needs. If we can elect someone who has an idea of the challenges that face this nation, not only the external ones (terrorism, a flailing economy, a weak dollar, corupt russian and chinese governments who suppress human rights...), and not just internal domestic problems (economy, jobs going overseas, lack of health insurance, etc..), but the internal problems inside American hearts and minds.

"We will walk together, work together, and slowly things will get better"
"Working together we can move beyond some of our old racial wounds, and that in fact we have no choice is we are to continue on the path of a more perfect union."
Can you figure out which is Obama and which is Santos....
Does it matter? If we can elect someone who is working towards bridging the racial divide, that is who this country needs. If we can elect someone who has an idea of the challenges that face this nation, not only the external ones (terrorism, a flailing economy, a weak dollar, corupt russian and chinese governments who suppress human rights...), and not just internal domestic problems (economy, jobs going overseas, lack of health insurance, etc..), but the internal problems inside American hearts and minds.

How is it that I am so damm tired, yet I have been getting a regular amount of sleep (6 hrs on average). This is rediculous, i just don't know what to do. I drink coffee... nothing! I drink energy drinks... still tired! I have so much work to do! Damm!
Time to focus
So the days are winding down. Only a few dozen left until that exercise where our minds are tested. I usually don't get stressed, but now I feel the pressure mounting. I don't really know how to do this, but I figured it out in the fall, so I figure that Ill get it sooner or later this time around. I am shooting for the magic number... if I don't make it, I am screwed.
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